I'm currently working with ultrasound images acquired on a polar grid, with equispaced range and angle values. Such images cannot be plotted directly using the image or imagesc command in Matlab, since it requires a x-y grid of coordinates. At first I tried resampling the polar image to a rectangular grid using a 2D interpolator (TriScatteredInterp), which works but takes quite a lot of time. However, at a conference I attended recently I got a very useful tip from Marcelo Matuda from the University of São Paulo:
Convert the polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates, and plot the image as a surface, seen directly from above. Simple! And fast.
Here is a little example code that illustrates this approach:
%% ---------------------------- %%
close all
clear all
%% Create an example image using peaks function
im = peaks(512);
%% Specify axes for the image (chosen arbitrarily)
[nZ,nX] = size(im);
theta = ((0:(nX-1))-nX/2)*(0.1*(pi/180)) - pi/2;
rr = (0:(nZ-1))*0.1e-3 + 0.05;
%% Plot image in rectangular coordinates
imagesc(theta*(180/pi), rr*1e3, im)
xlabel('theta [deg]')
ylabel('r [mm]')
%% Create grids and convert polar coordinates to rectangular
[THETA,RR] = meshgrid(theta,rr);
[XX,YY] = pol2cart(THETA,RR);
%% Plot as surface, viewed from above
xlabel('x [mm]')
ylabel('y [mm]')
%% ---------------------------- %%
The code outputs two images, one of the polar plot made using the imagesc command:
... and one with the "proper" polar plot using surf: