Sunday, 11 December 2011

Changing the bit depth of images using ImageMagick

Today I wanted to create a simple black-and-white version of a grayscale image that I have. This is pretty easily done in Matlab (you can scale the image to values between 0 and 1 and use round()), but I was guessing there was probably already some simple way to do it in ImageMagick - and there is!

This is the original version of the image (from the great graphical novel series "Bone"):

To convert it to a 3-bit image (8 levels), I used the -depth switch with the convert command:

convert bone.jpg -colorspace gray -depth 3 bone3bit.jpg

And similarly, for black-and-white (1 bit image):

convert bone.jpg -colorspace gray -depth 1 bone1bit.jpg


Gerard Parsons said...

It becomes an overwhelming task for web designers and website owners to maintain graphics on their website such as custom banner ads, logos, drawings and various screenshots.

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